Beijing Kingbo Biotech Co., Limited

Main products: botanical pesticide , natural organic , biopesticide , Matrine Pyrethrin , Rotenone , Nicotine , Azadirachtin , Physcion , Cnidiadin , Resveratraol , Carvacrol , Berberine

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Our Beijing Kingbo Biotech company is in the good position to provide Botanical Pesticide which extracted from Pure Chinese Herbs, shows great advantages during the application--low toxic, long validity, strong effect, no residue and no harm to human and animals. Also we have steady product quality and good price. Also we get the OFDC Organic Certificate for our products. We have our own factory. Our products such as Matrine series; Pyrethrins series, Rotenone, Nicotine, Berberine and Osthol are sold all over the world: 0.6% Matrine, 5% Matrine, 1.5% Pyrethrins, 5% Pyrethrins, 50% Pyrethrins, 10% Nicotine, 5% Ronteone, 7.5% Rotenone, 0.3% Azadirachtin, 0.1% Physcion, 0.5% Physcion, 0.8% Physcion, 2% Physcion, 4% Berberine, 1% Cnidiadin, 0.2% Resveratrol, 0.7% Carvacrol. bio insecticide, fungicide, bactericide, virucide. If you have some request for product details, please contact me soon. Skype/Email: jwj2008 at 126 dot com. Look forward your information.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameBeijing Kingbo Biotech Co., Limited
Factory LocationZaozhuang,Shandong
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main Productsbotanical pesticide , natural organic , biopesticide , Matrine Pyrethrin , Rotenone , Nicotine , Azadirachtin , Physcion , Cnidiadin , Resveratraol , Carvacrol , Berberine
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We Providebotanical pesticide , natural organic , biopesticide , Matrine Pyrethrin , Rotenone , Nicotine , Azadirachtin , Physcion , Cnidiadin , Resveratraol , Carvacrol , Berberine

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